An introduction and message from this blog


This blog focuses on topics relating to child abuse and the cause and effects surrounding child abuse and also to present child abuse as a real problem, while presenting different points of view to add/expand the discussion further.

Message from me:

Child abuse is a problem that is within our reach.
It is happening right now and it does not show any sign of decline and instead we see the rise in numbers.
It might happen mean our homes or near us all.
A victim of child abuse might be near you.

Child abuse is a very big problem and it's influences are reaching beyond the walls of our house or place it happens.
Child abuse is a problem that is most likely to happen around us and in some cases some of us may have witnessed child abuse in the making, or some may go on to find out the kid next door is in the news already departed.
Child abuse is a problem near and big.
So long as child abuse is happening, we cannnot unlook and turn the other cheek, we are involved so long as it is happening, we are the discerned people, capable to help and be concerned.

It is very frightening to watch the news and to read articles pertaining to child abuse because all there is mainly of to it are the same sad aftermath, and how it has always been the aftermath of children never waking up to see the sun rise nor fall, ever.
The countless picture of children's faces shown throughout the world via news, and I could not even remember any one of their fullnames or faces; the countless names tells us that child abuse is not stopping any sooner.
Waiting for the time to stop child abuse should not be an option.
The fast linking and the unbroken chains of child abuse are visible and we should re-think, re-evaluate, and have an open discussion and help solve the problem that is child abuse in any way, shape or form.

Personally, I think that most mainstream media's information about child abuse and the research about child abuse does not show any link nor similarities of information between them.
These discrepancy/conflicting information between research based on facts and news being based of what makes a news sensational and ignoring the root of the problem thus shows us a clear disconnection (in which I shall elaborate more on future posts) and problematic in a sense of emotion versus reason in which these clear disconnect paints a warped vision/image to the larger audience what the reality of child abuse really is. 
The mainstream media especially in most of Japan's news outlet's commentators do not discuss how to stop/solve child abuse in details.

Interestingly enough, the news and informations we see can condition our way of viewing things to a degree, so maybe the attitude we see on most people having an overtly emotional stance (concentrating on emotional outburst of rage, such as injuring the parents who commited child abuse or bashing them) and with so little guidance of reason that this instance might be the contribution of news centering around fast emotional reaction rather than factual reason proven by research which can sustain and help solve the problem in the long run rather than short bursts of emotional reaction that within time fade fast and we are back again to square one of the problem and the problem again being buried in the shadows again as if it never ever existed.

We were all a child once, like them (the victims).
To put it into other words, we were a vulnerable child like them and some of us may have been a victim and some who grew up not experiencing child abuse but nonetheless child abuse is a problem that does not happen in the blink of an eye, it happens gradually just as we grew up gradually to be an adult.

Most/some of us, may not hold any interest nor do something to help.
Most of the victims of child abuse could only do so little as their vulnerable, fragile little frame, meanwhile some of the departed ones couldn't do anything as they have left earth without any closure/relief from their circumstance, but we grown ups could do far more bigger things than they have ever could.

This blog shall strive on bringing inclusivity to this topic as much as possible for the readers and I, myself.

Child abuse is within our reach let us grasp the topic whilst reaching our hand out to the problem, because one hand can be a very big help to abolish child abuse.
I hope we can gather around and put our hands together in unison to this topic.

Miki Yoshie🌽

I shall posts in this blog weekly or if I could two times a week. 


  1. This is one of the best blog introductory messages that I've ever seen. What you have written about how news regarding child abuse conditions the way we think and respond to it rings true.
    Joseph D.


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