This post will be the last part of the four part series of Perspectives.
The models of the previous perspectives:
The first perspective is based on the incident in Japan where Kurihara, Mia (then10 years old) was severly beaten and this is one of the speculated reasons for Mia’s death in 24th of January, 2019.
The problems on the tragedy of Kurihara, Mia’s (栗原 心愛) case, was one, the Jidousoudanjo (Child Welfare Center) where Mia previously resided (Okinawa prefecture) and new residence’s (Chiba prefecture) Jidousoudanjo did not share each other’s information on Mia’s records of abuse.
Not sharing the abuse records can be a problem, for example a new family has taken in Residence A, and the father abuses his children there, but if there were no records shared from the previous abuse on their previous Residence B, the Jidousoudanjo on Residence A will likely handle the incident as a ‘first time’ deal and would not take it as seriously.
There is no law in Japan that says every Jidousoudanjo should share information to other Jidousoudanjo.
The doctors and Mia’s teacher in elementary knew of the gravity of her circumstance and did everything they can and did the proper procedures to help alleviate/stop the abuse but because of the Jidousoudanjo’s many mistakes including snitching to Mia’s father all the things she confided, this thus play in Mia’s eventual death and worsened the abuse.
Secondly, Mia’s main abuser, who is her father, who also abused Mia’s mother,who then in turn was afraid of her husband, did every bidding her husband wished to appease him, the mother is also at fault.
Mia’s tragedy made headlines in Japan and the topic of abuse was greatly debated by many people.
The second perspective is based on the incident in Japan where Minato ku/ward is planning on building a Jidosoudanjo (Child welfare Center) in Aoyama.
The residence of Aoyama, (the majority are rich people) are cut-throat on opposing the construction of a Jidousoudanjo as they deemed that it will degrade/tarnish the ‘Aoyama brand’.
Such prejudices are deeply rooted in the misconception of Jidosoudanjo ( that only the abused children are held within the facility or that Jidousoudanjo houses problematic children) but in reality Jidosoudanjo is also a place to have a consultation facility on problems relating to the children and the family raising the children.
The third perspective is based on psychiatrist Dr.Umetani’s client’s story.
The majority of comments on Dr.Umetani’s article was of people supporting the client (who I named) ‘Satomi’ but there are just as much people commenting on how Satomi’s mother is inhumane and calling Satomi’s mother derogatory names.
My opinion/perspective on these perspectives:
Did the 10 year old Mia knew that what she was going through was called ‘abuse’?
Or even knew that parents beating up their children is considered an abuse?
Let those thoughts sink in.
We as adults obviously knew what she was going through was an abuse.
To this little girl her home and school was her only/whole world, and it was all she ever knew.
Most adults think that just by reporting to the police or child welfare centers, everything will be alright and move on, though it is great that one taking action is a good way to help but there are some cases like Mia’s case where even if we want to help or do help, it is just out of our reach and sometimes systems and big powers do fail us.
This the reality of child abuse.
Even in these dark times, we can do so many things to lend a helping hand to this growing epidemic that is child abuse and educate ourselve on the issue.
It’s cliché but knowledge is power, in the literal sense.
By knowing we can have ideas and think of many ways to help or hopefully solve the problem that is child abuse and we can in turn lend our knowledge to other people and help shed some lights on this issue.
Notes on future post:
I will do another posts on the incident in Aoyama where people are opposing and hostile towards Jidousoudanjo (child welfare center), elaborately.
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"(In English) Why should such center(child welfare center) be constructed in our first class district(Aoyama)?" |
People who want to know more about the perspectives see the links below:
Mia’s case
朝日新聞『心愛さん父、顔面に冷水シャワー浴びせ続ける 死亡当日』
7th March, 2019
毎日新聞『野田市教委、全児童に謝罪 心愛さん虐待死、秘密守れず』
8th of June, 2019
東京新聞『野田虐待死 母に猶予判決 傷害ほう助「夫に迎合、手貸す」』
26th of June, 2019
The Japan Times “Chiba mother gets suspended sentence for role in father's alleged fatal abuse of daughter”
26th of June, 2019
The protest against the construction of a Jidosoudanjo’s case (all in Japanese)
朝日新聞デジタル (東京社会部 中山由美)
『青山ブランドに「児相の子つらくなる」 建設に住民反発』 <>
15th of December, 2018
産経新聞電子版『児相、保育所は「近所迷惑」か 住民反対相次ぐ』 <>
9th of November, 2018
‘Satomi’s case/Dr.Umetani’s article (all in Japanese)
梅谷 薫
18th of June, 2019
Thank you for patiently reading this long post!
I appreciate it and as always sending good vibes~👋💥👋
Yoshie, Miki🌵🔱
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